ProductGroup coming to all JSON-LD for SEO customers

By Ilana Davis

A few months ago, I announced we were running tests on the new ProductGroup schema markup used by Google Merchant Center and Google Shopping.

I'm happy to announce those tests have been successful. We've demonstrated successful Rich Results for multiple stores with no negative impacts. We're now ready to roll it out to every store so everyone can benefit from this new version.

Over the next week or so, we’ll be rolling out this new structured data to all JSON-LD for SEO customers.

No action is required from you to get this update. We’ll be pushing it out automatically to all customers.

This is one of the more significant updates Google has done to Product data in years. If you haven't installed JSON-LD for SEO yet or are still relying on your Shopify theme data, you're going to want to install JSON-LD for SEO to take advantage of this new format.

Feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns using the help icon on the bottom right of this page or via email.

P.S. A small number of stores have coded custom markup for their products. If that's you, you may need to change the @id depending on the customizations you made.

P.P.S. I'm going to be writing up more details about this change soon. It's complex but Google finally answered decade-old data questions that everyone's been guessing at.


Get more organic search traffic from Google without having to fight for better rankings by utilizing search enhancements called Rich Results.

Linking Llama

Link discontinued products to their best substitute. Keep discontinued products published on your website and continue to benefit from traffic to these pages.