Search Console not showing all products

By Ilana Davis

I had a great question from a new JSON-LD for SEO customer and I thought others may have a similar question.

How come Google only shows 48 products as rich snippets, and seems to have stalled out?

Google Search Console Product Snippets report showing 48 valid product URLs

As with everything Google, it's not that simple.

No, Google hasn't stalled out. The report in Search Console is very misleading. Search Console always reports on a sample of URLs, it will never show you all URLs for any of their reports, especially when you have a larger site.

Both the Product Snippets (and Merchant Listings) chart shows and sample of URLs with markup. Think of this as a count of random pages that have markup. Google's reporting tools don't show which URLs have Rich Results. It is in no way reflective of how many products have markup or have Rich Results.

For JSON-LD for SEO customers, every product URL automatically has structured data that meets requirements for both Product Snippets and Merchant Listings.

If you open any product URL and run it through the Rich Results Testing Tool, you'll see it has both Product Snippets and Merchant Listings data included.

For search results, I use this query as it makes sure I only see product-specific URLs. The site search is also imperfect and doesn't include every product URL, but it gets us close. inurl:products -inurl:collections

Using this same customers site (redacted for privacy), the query shows me approximately 389 results, most of which show Rich Results.

Google Search query where Tools is selected to show 'About 389 results (0.37 seconds)'.

Select Tool to see the "About XXX results (yy seconds)" which can give you a rough idea of the number of URLs Google has indexed that meet this query.

This led the customer to ask a follow-up question:

Why does Google add "In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the 293 already displayed." at the bottom of a results page? Is it a matter of time spidering still?

Snippet at the bottom of search results 'In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the 293 already displayed. If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included.'

The part at the bottom of your search results is because Google thinks some of the content on your pages is similar. Rather than showing all the results, they show you the ones they think are most applicable to your query.

It has nothing to do with their need to crawl the site. Think of this like a flag for potential duplicate content but you may not need to do anything.

Click on the link at the bottom and you'll see the full results they are able to show, though it still may not be all indexed pages.

The site search is similar to Search Console. They will never show you all the URLs they have indexed.

Google will continue crawling and indexing pages as part of their normal efforts but that is unrelated to structured data. There are some theories that adding structured data helps Google to crawl the pages faster (they can see the important data more easily) so they can move on to the next page, but no documentation from Google supports this.

All this to say if you notice Google Search Console not reporting on all your URLs, this is completely normal.


Get more organic search traffic from Google without having to fight for better rankings by utilizing search enhancements called Rich Results.