Pinterest accepts JSON-LD data for Rich Pins from Shopify stores

By Ilana Davis

After working with a JSON-LD for SEO customer, we were both happy to discover that Pinterest is now accepting JSON-LD formatted data for their Rich Pins.

This means that if you have the correct structured data on your product or blog posts in Shopify, Pinterest will detect them and add additional data to the Pin that’s posted.

Pinterest has become one of the more popular visual search engines so having them support JSON-LD is a great way to attract even more visitors to your store.

There are 3 types of Rich Pins: article, product, and recipe Pins.

Pinterest removed their Rich Pins Validator so it's hard to validate that they see your JSON-LD data. As long as you are a Verified Merchant and your Shopify store is connected to Pinterest, Rich Pins are automatically synced from your site.

This is what a product Rich Pin looks like:

Pinterest Rich Pin example for Left image shows what a Rich Pin looks like when you’re browsing: Company name, logo and the product title. Right side is when you open the pin and you'll see the website url, price range, product title, reviews, the visit link to the site and the product details link expands to show the full product description.

If you haven’t installed JSON-LD for SEO yet, you may be missing out. With Google, Bing, and now Pinterest supporting the JSON-LD format for search enhancements, it’s becoming the go-to app to bring these modern SEO features to your Shopify store.

And it’s a one-time fee means you can buy it once and benefit from it for as long as your store is around.


Get more organic search traffic from Google without having to fight for better rankings by utilizing search enhancements called Rich Results.