How Tile Buys received Rich Results in 16 days using JSON-LD for SEO in their Shopify store

By Ilana Davis

I’ve been asking JSON-LD for SEO customers for more information about how the app has been helping their store.

What follows is a short case study from one store.

Any results may or may not be typical or what you can expect with your Shopify store. There are so many variables involved that it’s impossible to control for all of them.

Take what’s said below as a more detailed review of JSON-LD for SEO, combine it with the App Store reviews, your own personal experience and draw your own conclusions.

Without any more preamble, here’s what Jason Skadsen Tile Buys says about JSON-LD for SEO

Traffic increase. Doubled nearly overnight.

Overnight is probably an exaggeration but since Tile Buys is a Plus+ customer I kept track of what I saw with their account. It took them 16 days from installing before Google was showing Rich Results for their products.

Traffic probably increased during that time and shortly thereafter as their products started to become more visible and attractive to customers.

What’s more important to me is what that traffic brought their business:

Q: What does that mean for your business?
Hiring more people to take care of customer service is a huge deal for me.

Though I can’t promise the same results, JSON-LD for SEO has been successful for thousands of other Shopify stores. Shouldn’t yours be one?


Get more organic search traffic from Google without having to fight for better rankings by utilizing search enhancements called Rich Results.