Audit access to your Shopify store

By Ilana Davis

It's common to grant access to various folks who help you with your Shopify site. Between Shopify Partners, apps, and employees, I'm sure you've granted access to your store quite a few times over the last year.

The good news is that Shopify will automatically expire Shopify Collaborator accounts if the collaborator has not logged into our store within 90 days*. However, they do not expire Staff access.

*I have heard a few issues where Shopify expires collaborator access even if they have logged in more recently. This policy from Shopify is still relatively new so I expect some kinks to be worked out.

One thing I recommend is to do an audit of everyone who has access to your store and remove those who you no longer work with.

Visit the Settings page in your Shopify Admin and select Users and Permissions.

If you're unsure they still need access, email them. Don't hear back from them? Remove them! Employee no longer works with you? Remove them!

If you accidentally remove access or they need access to your store later, you can grant them access again.

Concerned about access to your store from past collaborators? This may also be a great time to generate a new Collaborator Request Code if needed. That way anyone with an outdated access code can no longer access your store.

Shopify's collaborators request settings and option to generate new code for the collaborator request code.

Not only is removing users helpful for those whose Shopify plan is limited by the number of staff accounts, but it's also really important to keep your site secure.

Along the same lines, when working with a Shopify Partner or an employee, don't give them access to everything and the kitchen sink. Collaborators and staff should only request access to areas they need access to in order to do their job.

Staff and collaborator access shouldn't be taken lightly. Remember that it's your responsibility to keep your customer's information safe and secure.

Take a few minutes today and audit who has access to your Shopify store.


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