Resolving Google Structured Data Warnings with Shopify
Correct nearly 100 Google warnings on the home page plus many more throughout the Shopify store.

The Results
After removing all the theme microdata structured data, I saw that the warnings have disappeared and the store still functions as expected. Victory.

I had nearly 100 Google warnings on my Shopify homepage alone, let alone each of my product pages, causing concerns around what structured data was valid and if I could get Rich Results. Ilana was prompt, fast, and easy to communicate. She’s a solid communicator, fast turn around (within a day), and overall great experience.

Jeff Curtis
Three Drops of Life
Shopify Store
Three Drops Of Life came to me because they were frustrated with the warnings
they were seeing in Google Merchant Center for their structured data. They had
around 100 warnings on their home page and many more throughout their Shopify
They had installed
JSON-LD for SEO to
increase organic SEO traffic through Google’s Rich Results. The issue was they
now had structured data being created from the app and from their theme and
the theme had all the warnings.
Warnings by themselves are not a problem. They are just that, warnings. However, they were causing a lot of confusion with the Three Drops of Life team and caused them concern that they weren’t going to get Rich Results that they needed in order to boost their organic SEO traffic.
How I Helped
As I mentioned above, having warnings from Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool isn’t a big deal. However, when using Google Merchant Center, we do need to remove warnings like this.
It’s fairly simple to remove the microdata from the theme, however, you want to be careful not to delete the wrong pieces such as HTML components that display the price and product name for example.
After backing up their theme, I began looking for all the theme’s microdata structured data. Itemtype, itemprop and itemscope make up the microdata, so finding these and then removing them from the theme.
Taking notes of which files I’ve touched and which pieces of code I deleted, help to ensure that if there is a problem, I can easily track down the culprit.